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Thank You Elder Caregivers!

Posted by Anthony Serra | Mar 12, 2021 | 1 Comment

Caring Birds

I blog frequently about elder law issues, focusing more on the legal aspects of protecting our seniors and promoting their interests. However, it is easy to gloss over the tremendous effort and dedication it takes to care for our elderly, especially those who are not fully able to care for themselves. When you are caring for an elderly person there are no vacations, no holidays, no snow days or “mental health” days off. Your shift is 24 hours, and your work week is 7 days.

Whenever I am introduced to an elder law case, my initial inclination is to seek out the caregivers since those are the folks who are on the ground doing the “heavy lifting” so to speak and who know what is happening. They are in the trenches day in day out making sure everything is running smoothly. Elder caregivers oversee things we all take for granted like medications, shopping, transportation, meal preparation, bathing, toileting and socialization just to name a few. The caregivers are the ones devoting their lives to helping others with very little recognition of or attention to their hard and deliberate work. In most cases caregivers work in the shadows of society and below the radar screen. Most caregivers would have it no other way, but the task is far from easy.

I admire all caregivers, but especially those who care for the elderly knowing how demanding of a job that can be. This past February 19th was National Caregiver's Day so I am a bit late, but as far as I am concerned, everyday should be National Caregiver's Day!

I take this opportunity to heartfully thank all our Elder Caregivers and to let you know much you are appreciated and valued. Without you, life would not be the same for the many your serve so well.

A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” Mahatma Ghandi

About the Author

Anthony Serra

Tony Serra is a passionate advocate, especially for the elderly, disabled and those of modest means who need the services of an experienced and caring attorney. For more than 30 years, Tony has been helping common, everyday folks navigate their way through life's turbulent waters. Through innovation and utilizing modern technology, Tony and his law firm are now able to offer quality legal services that at one time were prohibitively expensive, at a fraction of the cost. If you need basic legal services, such as a Will, Power of Attorney, Living Will, Special Needs Trust, real estate transactions, uncontested guardianship pleadings and much more, please visit our website and our SMART LAW legal services platform. You will be pleasantly surprised by what we offer and glad you did! Tony is also an experienced mediator and founder of the Conflict Resolution Center of NJ. Tony has specific training in family matters as well as elder law and contested guardianship and estate cases.  


Fred Mountjoy Reply

Posted May 18, 2024 at 17:59:02

Tony, fantastic post about elder care. I experienced with my parents, and sadly with my wife who developed dementia. Nice to about how all you guys are doing. A very late happy birthday.

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