A New Milestone!: Our First Remote Signing of Estate Documents
April 2020
We are proud to announce our first remote Will signing with our client E.S. this past week. As many of you may know, Governor Murphy recently signed a new law that allows notaries to sign documents remotely in light of the Covid-19 shutdown. We were able to successfully view the client sign her Last Will and Testament, Living Will and Power of Attorney remotely using Zoom. By law, the will signing event must be video and audio taped and maintained for period of 10 years which we are able to do. The process was very convenient and simple and lasted about 15 minutes, all from the safety and comfort of the client's home.
Congratulations E.S. for being our first remote client and being a good example for others who also need to have these important papers put into place. Thank you for allowing us to represent you!
If you are interested in having an Estate Plan drawn up and executed remotely, check out our Smart Law on-line platform.
Practice area(s): Estate Planning