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Realtor Referrals - Julia DeSimone


If you are seeing this page, it likely means you are working with Julia DeSimone and her team to either purchase or sell your real estate property. If Julia referred you to us, we appreciate that and are honored that you took the initiative to learn more about us and our team here at Serra Law Group!

First, meet your attorney, Tony Serra:

Mr. Serra has been practicing law for 30+ years and enjoys the process of helping our real estate clients buy or sell their home. We understand that buying or selling a home can be a stressful endeavor so we have put into place a platform called “Clio for Clients” to help facilitate communications and the exchange of information necessary to close your deal without unnecessary stress or drama. Tony truly cares about his clients' well-being and is committed to serving your interests as best as possible. 

Next, meet your paralegal, Marianne Lubrani:

Marianne will be your main contact person throughout your entire transaction, whether you are buying or selling your home. Marianne has over 40+ years experience in the real estate legal field and enjoys bringing smiles to clients' faces. She makes the process of buying or selling your home comfortable, manageable, and easy to navigate. 

Finally, our supportive administrative staff will help you with the onboarding process, scheduling calls and meetings, and making sure your transaction is progressing smoothly. 

Trust that with Mr. Serra and our team, you have a combined experience of over 70 years! Our team balances between "Innovative Law and Traditional Values" by offering our clients the latest and greatest forms of communication, updates and fast ways of checking up on your real estate matter. 

As noted above, our firm offers a service called: Clio for Clients. It is an interactive free app that offers specific details about your matter at your fingertips! Finally, an app that has all your communications in one place without needing to search for emails, text messages or other communications. Clio for Clients allows you, as the client, to communicate directly with our office (in most cases your paralegal, Marianne) and access and download documents with ease.

Please see the below video that explains this app in greater detail:


Looking for your 10% off coupon code? Fill out our "Contact Us" form below.

In the "referral" section, list the realtor who gave you your Code Card and the 10% code: DESIMONE10SIGNATURE to redeem!

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**DISCLAIMER: Although this page on Serra Law Group's website is highlighting this particular realtor, it does not mean or imply there is a relationship between the realtor and attorney beyond a referral source. There are zero funds that are being paid and zero sharing of fees or commissions. This realtor is not a member of the law firm nor employed by the law firm. Similarly, this attorney is not a member of the realtor company or employed by it. You are free to retain any attorney you like and by engaging this realtor, you are not compelled in any way to use Serra Law Group as your attorney for this transaction. Thank you.**

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