Our Blog is our way of helping you make sense of what may otherwise be a perplexing or confusing situation in which you may find yourself. But don't despair. Although you may think you are the only one experiencing some type of difficulty or hardship, if you look around, you will see that others are as well. It is said that "what is most personal is most general” — and that is true.
It's in the spirit of making the personal seem more general that we write these blogs so that you gain a better awareness of the issues you may be confronting. And in the process of gaining awareness, you begin to develop a realistic approach to whatever it is you are seeking to accomplish. Of course, these Blog posts are no substitute for one-on-one legal advise; however, you may find them useful, if for no other reason than to put your concerns into the proper context. From there, additional research and consultation with legal professionals can follow.
We hope you find these blogs helpful as you navigate through life's many challenges and opportunities!
P.S. if there are any topics you would like us to address, please send us a note to that effect.
Posted by Anthony Serra | Jul 02, 2018 |
Special Needs Trusts and a Supplemental Benefits Trusts are similar in the sense that they are both intended to preserve "means tested" governmental benefits for a disabled person. However, Special Needs Trusts are funded with the disabled person's own money while Supplemental Benefits Trust are funded with other people's money. Because of that distinction, Special Needs Trusts have a pay-back provision for Medicaid while Supplemental Benefits Trusts do not have a pay-back provision when the disabled person dies.